Curious about what it all means
or what is next?
Identity is so complex and multifaceted. It encompasses the memories, experiences, relationships, and values that create one’s sense of self. Identity and meaning can include the relationships people cultivate, the external characteristics over which a person has little or no control, such as body features, race, or socioeconomic class. Identity also incorporates political opinions, morals, strengths, and religious beliefs. The process of uniting these factors can create a steady sense of self over time, even as new facets are incorporated.
Developing this sense of self or identity is a critical part of every individual's growth. Struggling with various parts of identity is natural and normal. Establishing your values, strengths, core traits and goals can take time and for may is very challenging work. Alternatively, not having a strong sense of self may lead to unwelcome anxiety and insecurity.
Some questions we may start asking ourselves when we feel unsettled or insecure are: do I depend on other's opinions of me to form my sense of self ; do I care more about impressions than enjoying what I am doing; am I hiding part of myself from others; is a core part of me inhibited from being freely expressed; do I believe I'm valuable and lovable; who am I; what do I want my future self to be? Wow, we hit a lot of things in this paragraph!
Reflecting on the discrepancy between who one is and who one wants to be can be a scary, but also a powerful catalyst for change. If you need some support to begin exploring these very vulnerable topics, we are here to listen and keep you on track when the path becomes unclear.
If you're looking to find your potential and purpose, we'd love to help you identify and put your strengths to work.